Increase Social Media Engagement with the Use of Links

EASY2LINKS Veröffentlicht auf March 08, 2022

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The reason so many brands use social media as their primary online presence is because of its many marketing benefits. Social media is important for brands because it provides a way to engage with customers and build their trust.

Social media is the foundation of brand presence

Social channels are the foundation of brand presence and should be an integral part in any company’s marketing strategy. To create a powerful brand, you need to be active on all your online channels.

To ensure the success of your online brand initiatives, using short URLs across all social channels are key. Shortened URLs are often overlooked and cause brands to miss valuable opportunities. Thus, it is worth the time and effort to create a strong digital identity strategy.

Social media is as significant to your brand strategy as the core elements of online marketing. Building a strong brand requires you to be present online consistently across all your channels. The right short URLs can make all the difference between success and failure for your online brand initiatives. 

Growing your audience

To grow a brand, you need to focus on constantly growing your audience. Branded short links are easy to use and remember for everyone. They will help you drive traffic from just about anywhere on the internet towards your social media accounts.

They are a great way to measure traffic for both online and offline promotions, ads, or other forms of engagement. They can help you track how much information about your brand is being shown in different channels.

Brand consistency is a must when it comes to building trust and loyalty with your customers. 

Make the URL stand out

You don't want to be average; you want to stand out. Your bio is the first thing people see when they visit your social media account, so make it count. Instagram is the only social media platform where you can use a short link.

#LinkInBio is your one-stop shop for all promotional things. This includes creating branded short links that redirect the #linkinbio link in profile, so you don't have to send everyone through an intro page to your website. Additionally, you can keep your branded short link the same but redirect it to different landing pages. 

Maximize your return on investment

Every click counts when you invest in ads or other content. Studies have shown that people are 2x as likely to click on a link that’s using real words.

This means that you can use your branded short links to boost conversions for paid ads. The power of a branded short link lies in its convenience and real ROI (return on investment).

Driving traffic from non-paid posts

Learning how to use the power of text as an image will help your posts gain more exposure. When you share an image on social media, adding a short URL in the description is one way to drive traffic also from non-paid posts. This is a great way to get people onto your site. The link isn't clickable from an image, but if it's short and memorable, then users might type it in their browser anyway.

More engagement

Likes are great but shares and reactions mean even more. Inspiring people to engage deeper with your brand is the best part of being on social media.

Shorter links are easier for viewers to remember. It is best to use them whenever possible. You can use short links to track what action people are taking. You will see how many subscribed, clicked through your site or engaged with more content after clicking on a link.

Track the response 

To maximize your engagement, make sure you track responses as well. You can use short links to track what action people are taking. You will see how many subscribed, clicked through your site or engaged with more content after clicking on a link.

If you want to share a link from your site in someone else’s Facebook group, use the short URL. This way, you will be able to see how many people click through and visit your website.

Conclusion: You need to be present across all your social media 

You can make your branded links more effective by being consistent with them. Social channels are the backbone of any successful brand. Marketing strategies focused on social media can help companies reach new audiences and increase their visibility. It is essential to create a digital identity strategy that will help your business grow. Your shortened URLs could be the difference between success and failure, so don't overlook them. As you implement and adhere to your strategy, it will become increasingly clear how the links help support overall growth. Building a strong brand is not easy, but it's worth the work. To achieve success, you need to be present across all your channels consistently and use short URLs.



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