Everything You Need to Know About Link Shortening

EASY2LINKS Published on March 23, 2022

Link shortening can be a super simple process or one that will have you scratching your head. It is a great way to save time and effort by creating your own links.

Links are more than just a destination for your content. They also serve as an introduction to new audiences. So, think about how they might fit into different parts of your marketing strategy.

Remember, the cure for a long link is link shortening. Find more about it in the article below.

What is link shortening?

Links are an interesting and integral part of the internet. However, they can sometimes be tough to navigate. You have probably come across a long URL link in your professional life and wanted to shorten it.

Long links can be distracting, and they take up more space than needed. This is especially relevant for social media users who want to share information with friends, family members or other audiences efficiently and with little space available.

URL shorteners are a great way to give your posts and social media more context by shortening the URL. The new URL is just as memorable and engaging. More importantly, it is much shorter than the original one.

URL shorteners are websites that reduce the length of your URLs. With the rise of ranking algorithms, it's important for bloggers and marketers to use link shorteners. The last thing you want to do is get in the way of people who are interested in your content or website through long URLs. 

How to use a link shortener

Link shortening services are great for traffic and branding. Let’s say you are a digital marketer and want to see how many clicks there were on one of your ads or posts. You can check the clicks on your ads and posts with link shorteners.

The best way to understand how people are engaging with your posts is by measuring their performance.  With click analytics, you can find out how many times someone clicks on your ads and posts. 

With so many platforms being used every day, it's significant that you track the success of each link. That way you can find out which ones work and create a more successful campaign.

There are many ways for marketers to track the performance of their posts. Here are a few of them:

1. A referral program

The effectiveness of a referral program can be tracked by monitoring the number and type of referrals received. This will allow you to see when someone is most likely referring to others.

To encourage referrals, you can track the effectiveness of a referral program. For example, someone refers five people to your business. All of them purchase something from you. That would be considered an "effective" referral.

2. Use a custom back-half to make your links more memorable and engaging

Using a custom back-half will make your links more memorable and engaging. Use these in posts, pages, or where you want to draw people's attention toward the content that matters most.

The benefits of link shortening

The best way to share your articles on the internet is by using link shorteners. Here are a few advantages of using them.

1. They save space

The more space you have for your content, the better. That's why link shortening saves you. Shortened URLs are an efficient way to save space. They give bloggers and writers more room to create engaging content.

2. Short URLs look better

Long URLs are a major turn-off for readers. Long URLs are distracting and can make it hard for someone to convey the message. Moreover, they are difficult to read and can make your content seem less trustworthy.

3. Short links are easy to track

Content creators can see how many people have clicked on their links and where the link is being shared. They also receive data about what websites or social media platforms these clicks lead to.

This is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to know how their marketing efforts are going. It shows them what works, and which platforms provide the most traffic, so they can optimize quickly.

Conclusion: Link shortening helps you create brand awareness and grow your business 

To understand how links can help your brand or business, it's important to know what a link shortener is. Their main function is to reduce the length of a web address, so it's easier for humans and Google bots to read it. Digital marketers often use short links to track the clicks on their ads and posts. They can also provide metrics like how many times an ad has been viewed.


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