How to Use UTM-Tags to Track Traffic

EASY2LINKS Published on March 23, 2022

Tracking the traffic is essential for any online business, whether it's a small company or a bigger enterprise.

We all know that not every website is going to get 100% of the traffic it needs. However, with proper optimization and a well-thought-out content strategy, you can still achieve your desired outcome.

A lot of businesses believe that they are optimized until measurements show otherwise. The conversion rate is not always consistent across different advertising campaigns. When one campaign produces a high response, another one maybe pulls it down.

Which ad brings customers, and which one slows your business growth? UTM tags are an easy way to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

UTM parameters can be used to track your website's visitors and optimize the way they're converting. We will show you how in today’s article.

Understanding what UTM-Tags are

UTM tags are small pieces of information that can be found on most links. Linking to a specific URL is easy with UTM tags. These parameters help analytical tools collect information about the source.

Each parameter has its own name, value, or label that you can use when tracking traffic on your website.

URLs containing UTM code work like any other clickable link. When a user clicks on it, they are automatically tracked.

UTM tags are a set of parameters that allow analytical tools to collect information about the source. When a user clicks on the link, your UTM tags are used to track.

How to use UTM-Tags

You can set up UTM tags to help you with your marketing campaigns. UTM Codes are used to label your ads, so you know which ones are for certain audiences. In this section, we will look at how to use UTM parameters in different campaigns.

1. Tracking social media efforts

UTM parameters are great for keeping track of your social media efforts. By adding UTM codes to your social media links, you can see which posts and campaigns were most effective in generating traffic.

You can optimize campaigns and effectively measure the return on investment (ROI) of your social media activities with this data. Use different source parameters and track the effectiveness of each social media channel.

2. Adding UTM-Tags in your URL in emails

Which campaign generated most visitors and conversions? UTM parameters are a great way to measure the performance of your email marketing. The UTM tags in any email can help you get insights about its performance.

3. Offline marketing 

The difficulty of analyzing advertisement effectiveness is a major offline marketing issue. Whether it's an online or an offline advertisement, the goal is to promote brands and track promotions.

When conducting offline campaigns, marketers use links in a variety of offline media, for example, banners and brochures. UTM tags are essential for understanding the traffic sources your website is attracting. It's important to test different placements and ad formats.

4. Ad placements for paid campaigns

Paid campaigns can be very profitable, but it takes research and analysis. Knowing which ad placements are working the best is critical for running successful paid campaigns.

UTM parameters can help you find out which websites and ad locations bring in the most traffic for your business. These features give advertisers valuable insight into their paid marketing campaigns.

5. Track which CTA brings most conversions

UTM parameters are an excellent way to find out which call-to-action on your website generates the most conversions. Then use that data to make improvements.

You can also do this by A/B testing. This means that you will create two versions of your ad. One for each group—one with the current offer and another as a placebo. Then see which version gets more clicks or sales.

6. How can you create UTM codes?

The simplest way to implement UTM codes is by either:

1. The easiest way is by using a URL builder tool like EASY2LINK

2.  Manually type out the links

A URL builder tool is an easy and effective way to create UTM tags. The campaign URL builder is a great way to have fun with your branding. Simply enter the required fields and copy your custom URL.

You can use UTM codes to see what makes your traffic sources, campaign performance and user behavior. This will allow you to see how successful the campaigns were.

The manual approach is time-consuming and there’s a chance you could make a mistake. Your data won't be organized correctly due to errors in tracking.

Conclusion: UTM-Tags optimize your marketing efforts and give you a maximum return

The data from UTM codes in Google Analytics provides a clear picture of your traffic sources, campaign performance and user behavior. Use this information to optimize your marketing efforts and get maximum return of your investment. With these easy-to-follow tips, you will be able to track your website's statistics in no time. We hope you find this guide helpful in setting up your UTM parameters.


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