Improve Your Ranking on Google with Shorter URLs

EASY2LINKS Published on March 08, 2022

URLs that are shorter tend to rank higher in search engine results and improve the user experience. Your business can boost its ranking and capture more customers by optimizing the length of website URLs.

If you want your website to rank higher on Google, then it's important that the URL is not too long or complex. In this article, we will explain why and give some tips for making them shorter without sacrificing quality.

Your URL should be search engine-friendly

If you want to rank higher on Google search engine results pages, then it is significant that your URLs are easy and simple. Your website's URLs are the foundation of your SEO. They should be easy for Google and other search engines.

Include a URLs strategy in your SEO plan. That way you make sure that Google can easily find and read the content on any page of your website. Long URLs are a major issue for users and search engines. It is essential to keep your website simple. The main URL domain should not have any dashes or numbers in it.

Long URLs are an issue for search engines. URLs are not confirmed to be a ranking factor. What can affect your rankings, however, is the structure and complexity of your URLs - so make them simple if possible.

URLs are important for the success of your website. Make sure you use simple and catchy ones. In addition to ranking higher on SERPs, shorter URLs are easier for users and have a better user experience. Long and complex URLs are bad for SEO, so you need to avoid them.

What influences the ranking of your website?

Here are some things that influence the ranking of your website:

1. Complexity - it measures how difficult it will be for Google's bots (and humans) to understand your content. It is indexing them accordingly in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

2. You can increase your web page ranking by using keywords in all pages of the website. The repetition will make it more likely for Google to give you higher search engine rankings. Use keywords to describe the content on your website but avoid generic page names.

3. Your web pages rank higher when they are user-friendly and have search engine friendly symbols.

4. The more dynamic URLs you have, the better chance of ranking higher in search engine results. Google looks at how well a page has been optimized for mobile devices and tablets when they rank websites by user intent. But if you use just short one-word terms for all your website’s URLs, don't expect it to rank well.

Nowadays, it is essential to have a well-structured website. Sub folders help with organization by creating sections for various topicsof content on your website. That way, visitors can easily browse what interests them most.

Short URLs and their impact on SEO

When you create a short URL, it tells the search engine what your page is about in the same way that titles and H1 are. Short URLs are like titles for your page, they help search engines understand what you are trying to say. The difference between a URL and title is that short URLs provide even more context about the content.

What happens if you don’t optimize your URLs?

The average user has trouble remembering URLs that are too long. You can make your website more accessible by using shorter URLs. These are user-friendly and easy-to understand.

These are some risks of not optimizing your URLs:

1. Bad user experience - The length of your URL is crucial to a good user experience. If the URL has too many words, it can make users feel that they are receiving spam content. Users are always on the lookout for that. They will avoid clicking any link that seems suspicious or unprofessional.

2. Broken links - You can have a URL that is long and complicated, but it will only lead to trouble if users break the links. When people copy and paste links, that sometimes makes them break or miss some of their parameters. A broken link doesn’t work. This can lead to problems with your website's SEO and is unprofessional as well.

Conclusion: It is vital to understand the latest search engine ranking trends 

The key to success in SEO is understanding what Google looks for when ranking websites. Understanding the latest SEO trends and ranking factors Google uses will help you continue enjoying success with your ranking. The higher you rank the more likely it is that people will find your website and engage with it. Your brand awareness can increase as well. This also implies better chances for getting new customers.


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